
Thursday, March 24    Raleigh   NC Museum of  Natural Sciences



nnovations ns

Distinguished Speakers

Ms .Johnson, a scientist mathematician, and pioneer to U.S. Aeronautics made significant contributions to our nations ‘s early space program during her 33-year career at NASA.  She was known as the “human computer ”as she calculated trajectories for the mission that made history and America dominated power in space.                       











Appointed by U.S. Department of Education Secretary; Arne Duncan, Mr. Bega serves as a senior advisor and representative for education provisions of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), educa-tion and business partnerships, and initiatives linking students learning with post secondary education and career exploration.

Katherine Johnson

Retired NASA Scientist


Dennis Bega

Senior Education Advisor,

U.S. Dept. Of Education




       elcome to the Parade of Innovations 2011 Symposium in Raleigh at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.  At the Symposium, Charter Schools demonstrate “Chartering the Road to Success” as they exhibit successful innovative strategies and parade student achievement.
Talent Show
**School information and exhibit displays are free to public.**
Symposium Info.

Dr. Park’s most recent development, Science Junction, encourages all levels of interaction. "A cyber-community for teachers, students and researchers," Science Junction encourages inquiry based learning and teaching. It also provides the resources necessary to support the North Carolina Standard Course of Study and the National Science Standards.











(NC-MSEN)  Pre-College Program.Dr.  Fuller provides leadership to several science, technology, engineering, and mathematics pre-college initiatives. She is the Principal Investigator and Project Director of the NASA-funded Students Preparing to Advance into Careers in Engineering project (SPACE) and the Pre-College Experiences to Recruit Students into Science Teaching (PERSIST) project.













John Park
Associate Professor of Science Education at NC State University
Rita Fuller
Director or NC Mathematics and Science Education Network